Sunday, January 24, 2010

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database

Once available on CD ROM from the University of Cambridge, this database of over 30,000 Trans-Atlantic slave voyages is available online from Emery University, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute (Harvard University). Partners include The University of Hull (UK), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Victoria University of Wllington (New Zealand).

Search by voyage outcome (for instance, slave embarked in the Americas), captain name (for instance, Kingsley) and main point of embarkation (say, Caribbean or mainland North America).

Once you open a listing detailing the regions of Africa from whence the slaves arrived, and the mortality figures for slaves and crew (data not available for every voyage), please remember to click "search" again. Otherwise, the same entry opens even if you click another.

Make a note of which entry, on which page, and return to your search results. Good luck with good research.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Florida Historical Quarterly

The Florida Historical Quarterly is online.

You can browse issues, starting with Volume 1, Issue 1 (April 1908), or you can search the volumes for keywords.

The service is provided by Publication of Archival, Library & Museum Materials (PALMM), a cooperative effort by the public universities of Florida.